
From Hope to Hope!

I recently read a story of an eight-year-old boy who was playing left field in a Little League game. As he was standing out there in left field all by himself, a man yelled, “Hey son, whose winning?” The little boy replied, “WE ARE!” “What’s the score?” the man asked. The little boy said, “They’re ahead 23-0.” “You mean the other team is beating you 23-0? Well, I’m confused. I thought you said that you were winning.” “Oh we are,” said the little boy: “You see, we just ain’t come to bat yet!” This little boy certainly inspired HOPE!

In life – it invariably seems the “darkest” just before the dawn of a new “morning.” But hope springs eternal. Hope is the projection of the imagination. In response to hope the imagination is aroused to picture every possible issue, to try every door (whether open or closed), to fit together even the most difficult pieces of the puzzle of one’s life. After the solution is found, it is difficult to recall the steps taken – so many of them had lain dormant just below the level of consciousness. ~ Thornton Wilder

Our life’s journey is filled with polar opposites: calm and chaos; light and darkness; love and hate; hope and despair; and life and death. And yet, we can still choose to live life to the fullest despite our circumstances. Chaos and darkness and setbacks can and do make us stronger. When this becomes our attitude – an amazing transformation occurs – and we find ourselves as pilgrims on the road “less traveled.”

It’s true, “The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure, but from hope to hope.” ~ Samuel Johnson


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